…Custom Solutions for the Affluent

By utilizing life insurance, it is possible to offer a meaningful gift to charity, while still transferring most of your wealth to your loved ones.

Charitable Planning

Many people donate time and money each year to their favorite charities

Those key charities count on this contribution each year. If something were to happen to you do you have a plan in place to continue giving?  Life insurance, in conjunction with a private foundation or donor advised fund, can give you current tax deductions and put a plan in place so that those gifts continue well after you are gone.  This is a great way to leave a legacy to your favorite charity or let your family decide where the money will go each year.  

For clients subject to estate taxes, a plan that benefits charity can help reduce your overall estate tax. These clients can use life insurance to offset the charitable gifts so their goals to leave the highest value to their heir or charity are met along with reducing estate taxes.

Watch this short video on how to get to zero estate taxes along with helping charity to provide your family with a simple, but well thought-out, plan.